Acne / Pimple Scars

Acne / Pimple Scars:

Sometimes, pimples can leave scars. Some scars make your skin a slightly different color
than the surrounding skin, some scars look like large pores, and some scars are lumps of
hard skin.

To prevent scars in the first place, never pick at a pimple; let it go through its natural cycle.
One way to make sure the scars don't get worse is to cover your skin with a sunscreen
whenever you go out. The sun can make scars change color.

If you have scars that are a different color, avoid making more of these spots by being very
gentle with your skin. Use a gentle soap when you wash, and use warm water -- do not go
with either hot or cold extremes. Do not use a scrub brush or wash cloth/towel on your face
– use your hands when you wash.

Some large pores are really acne scars, called “ice pick” scars. Ice pick scars are very deep
and small, and you can confuse them with large pores. They are difficult to treat, and only a
dermatologist can help you.

More troubling are the scars made of hardened skin. Apply Neosporin, a topical antibiotic,
immediately to new scrapes to minimize scars. Rejuveness is an over-the-counter,
medical-grade silicone sheeting that can heal hypertrophic and keloid scars. You apply the
sheet over a scar daily as directed, and ReJuveness restores your skin to its typical texture
and color.

If you have a really bad case of acne, you could try Accutane but be very careful. This is a
powerful and expensive prescription drug that has serious side affects for childbearing-age
women. There are several lawsuits pending for damages from this drug – just look up
"Accutane" on any search engine to read about  its history. However, I took Accutane for a
few months when I was 28 and I had no problems beyond dry lips, and it cleared up my
acne immediately. I was totally happy with the experience

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