For flaky skin: Massage a
small amount of honey all over your face. Let it sit for about ten minutes. Remove with a cotton ball dipped in grapefruit juice. Leave
this juice on five minutes before rinsing with warm water. Revlon
makes a Honey Masque that uses the same concept as this home-made
Oil-remover: Peel the skin off an overripe tomato
and crush the tomato into a mash. Tomatoes contain oil-absorbing
acids that are natural exfoliants. Spread the tomato mash on your
clean face and leave it on for fifteen minutes. Rinse with warm
Complexion renewer: Warm 1/2 cup of canned coconut milk in
the microwave for thirty seconds. Stir in two tablespoons honey.
Massage into skin and leave on for ten minutes. Rinse with warm
water. Coconut milk smells good and contains lactic acid, an emollient,
and honey, a cleanser.
Skin buffer: Mix 1/2 teaspoon
baby oil with enough baking soda to make a paste. Massage over
the skin and rinse with lukewarm water. This is a scrub – it doesn’t have
to set on the skin. This should be the roughest action you ever
take on your face.